So, back in November I took the kids to the AZ state fair with my awesome friend Emily and her kiddos. It was free so we thought we'd might as well! We chose November 3rd as our date to go in hopes that the later in the year, the cooler it would be. Nope. It was 95 degrees and sunny. But nevertheless, we were determined to have a good time.

The kids all packed in and ready to go. They are soooo excited!

We got there before the rides opened in hopes that we could look at the animals, etc before the rides opened and the day went by. The kids were super excited about the rides and wanted nothing to do with the animals. Oops. Note #1 to self: next time arrive with the rides open. 11am finally arrived and we rode the carousel first.

Here we are on the ferris wheel. Both girls were scared and tightly clinging to me when it started but ended up enjoying it so much!

Emily and her kids, Heidi and Nathan. See Heidi's look of intensity? That is a common look for her. I've never met a more intense 3yo. :) She and Natalie get along great though! Both girls are very smart and have great imaginations.

Heidi and Natalie riding an airplane. They never got the hang of rising it off the ground.

Enjoying a super overpriced ice cream cone. Before they could get through the giant pile of ice cream on top, the cone disintegrated. It was soooo much fun having ice cream all over everyone!

Another ride. Good thing we went then cuz I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to squeeze myself into that car now.

This was an obstacle course thing. Natalie didn't realize that before she got in-she thought it was just a bounce house. The fair workers and I encouraged her to go on up the rope ladder and through the tunnels, etc. She and Heidi both climbed up but got scared and lost and started screaming. One ride attendant lifted Heidi over a barrier so she could go down the slide into the arms of her mommy, but Natalie for whatever reason went back into this tunnel she was next to and the fair guy couldn't get to her. Of course she is terrified of strangers in general so this was not helping. Add to that a bunch of bigger kids crawling through the maze and me holding Hannah while trying to shout instructions at her. Uh, not working. Finally some bigger girls helped Natalie get back to the rope ladder (behind her in the pic), I handed a screaming Hannah to Emily and climbed over to the ladder where I coaxed a crying Natalie back down the ladder until I could reach her. It was quite traumatic. Note to self #2: Make sure kids know what each ride entails before getting on. After that we decided on one more ride and then we would go!

Hannah trying out this riding toy. I know it has a name but I can't think of it right now. This was in the "toddler zone" which we stopped by on the way to our last ride.

Can you tell how thrilled everyone is at this point? Hot and sweaty and traumatized from that last ride. ha.
After that it was time to go. I didn't have a double stroller at this point (I have since purchased one) so I put Natalie in the stroller and carried Han. Both were tired and sweaty and hot and fell asleep within 2 minutes of walking. Note to self #3: Never go to the fair without a double stroller. Unfortunately we were at the very back of the fair, furthest away from the entrance. It took us a good 15 minutes to walk through the fair, winding around people and then we were parked sooooo far away. Pushing a sleeping kid with one hand while balancing another sleeping kid on your shoulder is not easy! While 5 mo pregnant, too. Emily was very patient with my slow walking and finally we made it to the car. All in all it was a fun day, but exhausting. Glad we have the memories, but glad it's over!