Since I am holding aleeping baby, this post will have minimal words am lots of pics (it'll be long). I hope everyone had a merry Christmas!
On Monday night we had our annual Kleven Christmas party. The little kids go up to the stage and hold letters that spell CHRISTMAS and stars and we all sing a great but not too well known song called "C is for the Christ child, H for Herald Angels in the night," etc. This year Natalie and Brooklyn were old enough to hold stars. So cute! Excuse the blurriness. Some of my dad's cousins dress up as elves and do a funny dance every year. We all just die laughing. Love the tights.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Our Christmas in pictures
Posted by Alisa at 12:02 PM 9 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Second attempt
We tried another photo shoot. I'm trying to get little naked shots of Hannah(so cute!) but when I take her clothes off, she wakes up. I even heated up the room first with a portable heater. How on earth do people capture naked newborns? Maybe I should try nursing her to sleep while naked. But then she'll pee on me. She does that a lot. Any suggestions? Here is the result of that day. Just one turned out, even though her eye is half shut. I still think it's cute!
Meanwhile, this is her favorite napping spot. She's in a sling if you can't tell. I don't mind except after about an hour, my back gets tired. I do like the fact that I can use both hands and help Natalie do stuff while Hannah gets a nap close to her mama. Natalie doesn't even notice she's there. In fact the other day I was reading her a story on the couch and she said, "Baby Hannah go? (as in where did she go?)" and I pointed to her sleeping on my chest and was like, "she's right here!" haha.
Natalie is doing ok with the adjustment to big sisterhood. She does fine until she wants me and I'm busy with the baby. Especially nursing. Everytime I sit down to nurse (which takes about half an hour) she suddenly wants to hold me and gets all whiny. So I have her get a book and sit by me and we cuddle and that helps.
Not to complain but to journal, it's been rough the past couple of days as Hannah has been a very cranky baby. She hasn't slept too well during the day (thankfully at night she is doing great--waking up every 2-3 hours to nurse then goes back to sleep) and whenever she's awake she cries a lot. Hopefully that will improve and she'll go back to how she was before.
I won't indulge you with the details, but I developed a HUGE infection at my stitches site and had to go in to have it "taken care of." I'm also now on antibiotics and I'm wondering if they are making Hannah a sad girl. I was in a lot of pain and now I am pretty much back to my normal self, which I am SO grateful for. Yay for modern medicine.
Anyway, not much else is going on around here. We are all waiting anxiously for Mark to be done with his finals on Wednesday. He will finally be able to come out of his study room and be with us as a family! Hooray. We are going to have a great three weeks with him out of school.
Posted by Alisa at 12:33 PM 8 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Hannah's first photo session
Here's what we came up with today. I took a lot of pics, but only a few were good enough to keep. I suppose that's how it goes, huh? I thought these turned out pretty cute.
Posted by Alisa at 3:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Birth Story
Here it is, folks. ***Warning*** It is very long and detailed. Just letting you know!!
I was really annoyed when we got there because it was after 8 and we had to park at emergency and walk down this long hallway to L&D. The walking brought stronger ctx which I didn’t like, even though I knew that’s what we wanted. The triage nurse found me to be at a 4 and 85% effaced still (I was 3+ and 85% at my dr appt a few days earlier), which discouraged me because I thought for sure all those ctx would have been doing something. She suggested we walk for 45 min or so and then get checked again. We did that, but I was still at a 4. I asked if we could go home; I didn’t want to labor all night at the hospital.
We got to bed around 1:30am. I could not handle the ctx lying in bed, so I covered the labor ball with a sheet, wrapped a blanket around myself, and managed ctx by tilting my hips forward and breathing through them with great effort, then dozed in between on the pillow on the bed. They varied in how far apart they were between 4 min and half an hour. At about 3:30 they got so bed that I couldn’t do it on my own anymore, so I woke up Mark and he started helping me through them. He would remind me to relax where he saw me tensing up (my face, shoulders, hands, etc). I had an idea to have him massage my lower back through the ctx, and what relief! They were a million times better than before. We did that till about 5, when I needed something to eat.
Dr. H wanted to see how the head was moving down during a contraction so he waited for one. The one that came was the most intense by far. It took me completely by surprise and I yelled, “get your hand out!” He did, but there was no relief. He said, “That’s not my hand, it’s the head!” All of a sudden everyone was running around getting stuff ready for the birth. He said, “If you feel like pushing, go right ahead.” I said I didn’t feel the urge yet and since I was following my body, I was not going to start pushing yet. He was ok with that and we all just waited for more ctx. I think I was still in denial that the baby was almost here, because still I hadn’t had the ctx on top of one another like with Natalie. They were still a few minutes apart, and I had time to rest in between each one. I used that time to close my eyes go deeply within myself to handle the next one. Mark said at this point he couldn’t even tell I was having a contraction except that I would nod my head at the beginning and say “ok” at the end. He massaged away, the dear heart. I was sitting up with my knees out to the side like in a butterfly stretch, and suddenly I was hit with giant pushing contractions. I laid back (the bed was reclined) and started moaning and yelling and covered my eyes.
Pushing this time was totally different than with Natalie. My body forced me to push and I could not do otherwise. It was like throwing up—you can’t stop once it starts. I pushed a few times and got lots of encouraging comments from the nurses and Mark and Katie (my sis). I felt myself stretching, but at this point the ring of fire was relief compared to the contractions. I screamed a couple of times, but they reminded me that I have to hold my breath to push, so I had to really gain control of myself to be able to hold my breath. I could feel that I was going to tear, and blew out through my mouth for a minute or two to allow myself to stretch. I think everything was just going too fast though, and I had to push again. I got a small 1st degree tear which made me happy because I didn’t tear more than that. Anyway, I heard suctioning and asked, “Is the head out?” I didn’t even feel it come out, weird. They said yes, and I pushed again and felt her body come out. What a strange out-of-this-world feeling. It’s so incredible that an actual human being came out of my body. I just can’t wrap my head around it.
She was born at 8:40-- I only pushed for 10 minutes. They took her over to be checked out, and honestly I didn’t even mind because I was still reeling from the pushing so much I would not have been able to enjoy the moment of meeting her as much as I would have liked. It took a minute or so to hear a cry, but Mark was over there watching and sending me happy faces, so I knew everything was ok. I delivered the placenta, got stitched up, and was able to meet my darling little redhead.
Posted by Alisa at 7:37 PM 12 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
More pics
Thanks everyone for all your kind comments! We are so excited to have Hannah at home. She is a great baby and Natalie is going back and forth between being very interested in her and not wanting mommy to nurse. We are adjusting big time around here. Anyway, as soon as I find a free few minutes I will write the birth story. It was a wonderful birth--everything I hoped for! Here are some pics in the meantime.
Our little family. What she looks like with her eyes open. Her skin turns red easily and at the slightest touch.
Posted by Alisa at 12:03 PM 11 comments