Just felt like a brain dump:
- I just got over a cold. Mostly. Still have to blow my nose occasionally and cough sometimes. The kids and I had it pretty bad and finally we are able to make an appearance in the world again.
- I have 2 weeks of pregnancy to go. Two of my friends due on the same day had their babies yesterday.
- I just finished Hannah's baby book. Now I am ready to have the baby.
- My house is sooooo messy from us being sick all week and me having no energy to clean. Dontcha just hate how the house gets messy when you're sick?
- Maybe tomorrow I'll clean it.
- It's warm in our house. My feet are swelling. Not a fan.
- My grandparents came for a visit over the weekend. It was fun to see them. The kids love their dog.
- My kids are obsessed with the movie "Tangled." They watch movie clips on Youtube on a twice daily basis, sing along to the songs while we drive, and wear hooded towels on their heads to pretend they are Rapunzel.
- Hannah can't say "Rapunzel" so she calls her "I see the Light" from the song title. She always says it in the rhythm the song has so it's "I see. the Light."
- My unborn child just kicked the keyboard tray in slightly.
- The employee at the store today told me I look like I'm going to have a big baby. Uh, exactly what I want to hear. Thanks a lot.
- I can't have the baby till after Saturday, which is the EVMCO concert. Sunday would be great; Mark's spring break is next week.
Haleigh also loved Tangled. She and the kids have been tying all of Doug's ties together and making very very long hair that she carries around attached to her head with a claw. Doug is sick of his ties around the house every day. He has a LOT of ties!
a)My house is also a MESS. Just taking it one room at a time. A shovel may be an appropriate cleaning tool in some areas! Glad you are all on the mend.
b) Hope baby cooperates with your school schedule
c) Some store people don't know how to talk to pregnant women.
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