I am possibly going to buy this wall graphic or one similar for my dining room wall. I'm so excited. Just waiting on a reply from Etsy seller Elephannie to make sure she can make it the size I want it.
I got sick this week. It was not fun. Thanks to a priesthood blessing, my fever, chills, and general queasiness/yucky feeling disappeared almost as fast as it came on. I have been left with a headache and weakness for the past two days. My wonderful husband has helped out so much by putting Natalie to bed, making dinner, sweeping and mopping, doing dishes and laundry, and even let me sleep for three hours this morning while he took the girls to the park and fed them lunch. He missed two days of school and sacrificed his time he could have been working on his giant paper due this semester. I just love him so much and appreciate all he did for me this week!
My BFF from my growing up years Tiffany is getting married! This is a little late, but still, I want to let you all know. She is marrying Brian Knox who is a really awesome guy. I'm just thrilled for her. I took their engagement pics as practice for me and sometime soon I'll post them on my photography blog.
I have reconnected with a long lost friend from my past. We were friends in college and FHE sisters. She helped me get a summer job once at her place of employment, which was a much needed blessing. We lost touch, but found each other recently in the mother's room at church! She is in another ward that meets in our building. Turns out she married Mark's mom's cousin's son (did you follow that?) so now we are related. It also happens that we have had kids around the same time, so we are dealing with all the same parenting challenges that come with the territory of raising small kids. She and I have almost everything in common, right down to having babies naturally using the Hypnobirthing method. We even wore the same color shirt to the park once.
Anyway I am just so thrilled to have a "bosom friend" (like Anne of Green Gables) again. Our husbands chuckle when we tell them the latest thing we have found we have in common.
Hannah is getting her molars. We have become friends again with trusty ol' Tylenol. So now at least I know there's a reason behind her waking up at night. Speaking of, she is crying for me for the second time already tonight.