Ok, I'm going to figure out how to have a cute heading/title thingy for my blog. It will happen folks! So tonight I discovered that my sister has been blogging for MONTHS now and I didn't even know it...ok, so she posted once in July and then just recently, but STILL. All this time I'm trying to figure out how it works, and I could have just called her. Ha.
I'm wondering why there is so much space between paragraphs. Maybe I don't have to hit enter twice? I'll try it on the next one. I thought I'd add some more pictures of our darling little gal for your enjoyment. We had a big day today. Natalie said "mama" for the FIRST TIME! Hooray! Her daddy came home and was saying "daddy" when all of a sudden she said "mamamamama." She has never made the "m" sound before but we gave her lots of praise and she continued all evening. It was so cute. She is also looking so much like a little girl instead of a baby. Today I put her in a little matching shorts/shirt outfit and her usual ponytail on top of her head and she looked so old. I almost expect her to start having conversations with me.
Natalie loves to dance whenever she hears music. It's so funny, and it makes us laugh whenever she does it. The funniest is in church when the organ starts playing the intro for the opening song and she starts rocking out to it. We were giggling all through the songs this past week. She'll bob her head and move her hips back and forth. What fun!
She really is losing her baby look! I can't believe how grown up she is these days! And boy do we understand the whole "toy" thing. Kleven would much rather carry around an empty paper towel roll than anything else we offer and he's TWO! I don't think it ever ends.
Yippee! Another blogger! Can I link you to my blog site? Natalie IS growing up so fast. She is so adorable. I'm glad you started this so I can log on and read about her cool achievements. Keep having fun!
She is so darn cute! I can't believe she will be one in a few months. It seems just like yesterday...okay not really, but you know what I mean.
Oh yeah, what is Melanies blog?
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