Thursday, February 12, 2009

A light dusting....

So today I made bread. It turned out great, and I am super excited to eat homemade bread for the next week or so. But I had a little incident I wanted to recap here for your entertainment.

I was grinding my wheat into flour, and didn't connect the grinder to the container that holds the flour very well. I turned it on and the connecter tube popped out of place, spinning the grinder 180 degrees and spewing freshly ground flour forcefully out the side hole all over the kitchen like a fire hydrant spraying water.

I reached to turn it off only to find that the power switch was not where it once had been (since it spun). I felt all over frantically and finally found it on the opposite side of where it should be. Meanwhile, the kitchen ended up with a light dusting of flour. And to top it all off, both girls woke up right as I began to clean it up. Nice!


Melanie@Crafty Cupboard said...

Ha ha ha, this is Laugh Out Loud funny. Did you go get mom or someone to help you??? Although I am sure Natalie would have LOVED to help out with this mess! You're so silly.
It kind of looks like the kitchen did after you used the fire extinguisher on the flaming cookbook.

Stock Family said...

Oh my goodness!! That is hilarious! What is this about a flaming cookbook?!? Do tell!!

Alisa said...

ha! Yes, it was just like that time. A cookbook was on fire in our old house and we sprayed it with a fire extinguisher. The white powder from it was in every single nook and cranny of our entire kitchen and took a LONG time to wipe down. What a nightmare! And yes, Dad helped me with the girls while I cleaned up at least the floor. :)