Thursday, July 24, 2008

blog help?

Ok, I'm trying to change my blog to a cute template that I found at It had me paste the html into the html page element thingy, instead of the "edit html" option on the dashboard. So now I have two templates mixed together. The sides of my blog are the new one that I want, but the middle is some random blah blogger template that I chose while I was changing things around.

Does anyone know how to get that middle one to go away and become the same as the sides? And arrrg, my links are gone again. Thanks!


Marisa and Rob said...

Hey maybe this will help. Did you start off with just a plain blog layout? Like if you go to the layouts and pick a plain one, that is just white, then got to website and pick a cute layout. Try that and see what it does. That is how I did that, and I didn't loose any of my links. Hope this helps.