Posted by Alisa at 9:14 PM 1 comments
Our sweet smart wonderful funny amazing Natalie is 3 today. Here is a recap of her little life so far:
Posted by Alisa at 8:38 PM 1 comments
Hannah looking oh so cute with her new little hairstyle. It was getting a little long for the whale spout.
I just love her!
By the way, if you can't see this video, I'm very sorry (those of you who recieve these posts via email). I'll put them on facebook too if that helps.
Posted by Alisa at 11:10 AM 2 comments
Hannah has decided she will now become a toddler and walk. Overnight she has gone from standing only (once in a while a step or two) to walking all the way across the room. She looks sooooooo big! I have been awaiting this day because one of my favorite country songs has these lyrics:
I'll never beat the view
From my front porch looking in
There's a carrot top who can barely walk
With a sippy cup of milk
A little blue eyed blonde with shoes on wrong
'Cause she likes to dress herself
And the most beautiful girl holding both of them
And the view I love the most
Is my front porch looking in
Except for the blonde having blue eyes, it pretty much describes my little family. And yes, "the most beautiful girl is me!" LOL
Pictures to come soon.
Posted by Alisa at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Here are some things I'm going to blog about soon. It's been a busy week or two, especially the past few days. But I promise I will get back to my routine and you will see more frequent posts!
I have experienced a wide range of emotions this weekend and have been reminded of the blessings of eternal families and the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that families can be together forever and I am especially grateful for the atonement of Christ, wherein He experienced ALL we go through in our life and can therefore offer the comfort that is needed the most. How I am grateful for my family, especially my wonderful husband and sweet, innocent children.
Posted by Alisa at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Happy birthday Hannah-banana!
Posted by Alisa at 8:17 PM 3 comments
Last week my sisters, BIL, neices, mom, and I wentt to see Pioneer Woman at her book signing. Mom bought us each a copy of her cookbook (which I may or may not cook out of, considering the exhorbent amounts of butter she uses) and got them signed. The line was hours long though so I snapped a quick pic of her and we left our books there for her to sign and picked them up the next day. It was fun though, and she was hilarious, just like her blog. Loved her!
Posted by Alisa at 5:35 PM 0 comments
I made quinoa and butternut squash casserole tonight. I had those two ingredients on hand so I googled them to see what recipes were out there and found this. It was SO good. The first few bites were interesting because you have to get used to the quinoa flavor (sorta nutty/brown rice-y) but after that it was delicious. A very healthy dinner choice if you're looking for more.
Oh, I added a sprinkle of garlic powder and threw in some minced fresh basil before baking.
Posted by Alisa at 7:14 PM 2 comments
Check out my photography blog. I'm going to try to be better at updating it.
Posted by Alisa at 7:42 PM 0 comments
Here's a post with a bunch of pictures. They're out of order. Just imagine them in the right order, if you know it. Bought pumpkins at a pumpkin patch, which was fun. Very fall-ish. We didn't quite get around to carving them before Halloween though. Maybe this next week we will, just for the experience.
Posted by Alisa at 8:46 PM 4 comments