Reading to the babies.
Brooklyn is overjoyed to be with her aunt Katie!
Testing the air....
She looks so....toddlerish!
Smooshing her nose on the window at a rest stop.
We went to St. George to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family. It was so fun! My grandparents live there and we all stayed with them. We all went to the park to play on T-day morning while the food was cooking, and then enjoyed a yummy meal that my Grandma, Mom, Melanie, and I prepared (I made the rolls). It was delish. The babies were so cute together--Natalie and Brooklyn are a month apart and will be such good friends growing up. We are so glad that Natalie has a cousin her age. Natalie and Brooklyn LOVED Grandma's little dog, DD and chased her all around the house. They also liked the grouchy cat until it hissed at them and swiped with a paw (didn't hurt the babies but they were sure scared!). We had a blast visiting with Melanie and Mike who sacrificed going to the BYU game to come down. On Saturday Melanie, Mom, Grandma, and I went shopping at this awesome home decor store and bought a few things. I can't tell you what, because it's a Christmas present for Mark (kinda for us both really). Natalie did great on the drive and slept through most of the nights there. She also napped really well. Thank you, white noise machine! Mark did lots of studying since his test is next week, but was able to find time to play as well. Mike set up a frisbee golf course in Grandma's backyard which we played a few times. Leave it to Mike to make a fun game out of nothing! Well, that's all for now. We are getting excited for Christmas!
yay for new blogs!
I love catching up with you guys thru your blog! We miss seeing you guys. How's the rental coming? Tell Mark 'good luck' on his test. We have news for you that can't be posted on this blog comment (and NO I am not pregnant)!!!!
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