Friday, October 5, 2012

Here we go

Wow, I can't believe it's been this long {slap on the wrist}. Blogger looks completely different! Since I have no idea where to even start, I am going to start with today. And recent days.

 Miss Emily has been showing signs of being ready to potty train. So we got a little potty at a garage sale (ours was loaned out to someone and I forgot who) and after many accidents, she went!
 Natalie tried to get a picture of us together. Hannah was a more willing model.

I'm growing my hair out. It's been fun. I decided I wanted some day to day variety.

So back to the potty training. We are on pause right now because last week I had a cold and didn't have the energy to wipe up her potties all over the house. And this week she has a cold. So once we are both better, I'll be putting her on that thing every 15 minutes until she is trained! They say that cloth diapered babies train sooner than disposable dipe babies, and now I know why. Because their moms are tired of the laundry! lol


Emily said...

I was HOPING after the wonderful surprise of seeing all you blog comments when I woke up this morning that I would get to see a little update on yours. Hooray! I just LOVE your hair and glasses gorgeous. Lets talk this weekend??