Saturday, October 6, 2012

Wherein I try to ignore mess

 I found a fun project on Pinterest recently where you mix Elmer's glue with shaving cream and make a shape on paper, then it dries as a puffy white thing. So we did that and made ghost shapes with intentions of putting eyes on later. Well, that lasted 2.4 minutes and then all they wanted to do was play with shaving cream. I'm ok with that and have some on hand from the dollar store for just this purpose. Normally there isn't quite as much clean up as there was this time though!
 I think Emily thought this was similar to bubbles in the bath and put it on her chin and mouth like they always do to pretend to be Santa. We were all laughing so hard because her mouth was only visible through a small hole in the shaving cream. We kept telling her, "say mama!" because her exaggerated jaw movements looked so funny!
 Then she put it over her eye and I left it since she didn't complain. That was also quite funny, then she started rubbing it and that's when the tears started. She got washed up and was fine after that.

The girls had a random 2pm bath after this activity. And it took me like 30 minutes to remove all traces of shaving cream from our kitchen table, chairs, floor, faucets, stairs, walls, bathroom mirror, and shower. But they had a fun time and we all got some belly laughs so it was totally worth it!


Katie said...

Congrats on finally updating! It's hard to do once we have a long break,=.