Can you believe this little girl is 19 months old now? {ignore the messy mirror in the following photos}
I know every parent says this, but seriously, the time has flown. This was her first real hair do.
She goes to nursery at church now, and does really well. As long as I’m in there with her.
She seems like such a baby still! Especially compared to the big year olds.
Emily loves books. She could probably sit for a straight thirty minutes and be read to. It’s the first thing she does when she wakes up. “Books!” She also loves going outside (“ousss”). The stroller (“lo-lo”) is a source of great excitement especially if we’re going to the park (“paht”).
This girl is so brave. She thinks she’s a big kid sometimes and literally jumps right into whatever’s going on. All summer she just jumped right into the swimming pool. I had to constantly keep my eyes on her because she jumped in so fearlessly. I finally put floaties on her even though she’s a little young, just to make sure she would bob and not sink if she jumped in while I was looking at one of the other kids.
She is learning her colors and gets them right about 25% of the time. She can do many body parts, including elbow, chest, knee, and neck. Here she is showing me her nose.
And her “mouf.” She can say so many words, seeming to add more each day. The one word we always chuckle at is how she says yes. “hum” is how she says it. We like to ask her a series of yes/no questions in a row to hear her say “hum” at every one.
Every time my injured finger is mentioned, Emily always says “’dage” meaning “garage.” Our conversation always goes like this:
Me: Emily, did mommy hurt her finger?
Em: Dage! (pronounced dodge)
Me: the door of the garage?
Em: hum
Me: did mommy cry? "
Em: hum
Me: Was mommy sad?
Em: hum
She’s so funny.
Oh she is SO CUTE. Love the details of her personality.
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